On behalf of the entire Pool Board, I want to give another huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you who helped get us to 120 memberships!! Your support and dedication to keeping our Summer here in Kilkenny Farms SPLASH-TASTIC are greatly appreciated!!!
Wading pool is fresh and clean!!
Right now, we are hoping to open on Saturday 6/13. However, if we can open sooner, we will. I will send an update as this week goes on and dates firm up. Either way, we should have an update on if we can move to Phase 2 on 6/12. Depending on whether we are in Phase 1 or 2 doesn’t change a lot, but does change the number of patrons allowed at one time.
Lap pool getting prepped for prime time!! We're so close!!
See the modified rules for 2020 below:
CAPACITY - There will be social distancing recommendations in place, and it will be up to you, the members, to follow them.
Phase 1: 25% capacity = 33 patrons at a time.
Phase 2: 50% capacity = 66 patrons at a time.
SIGN-UP SHEET - Linked Here: Currently disabled. Will be enabled the day before we open.
Members are highly encouraged to sign-up for a time slot before coming to the pool.
Sign-up system is linked above and there is more detail and instructions are on that page.
We will continue to track numbers of patrons until restrictions are loosened.
POOL MONITORS - Monitors will be cleaning bathrooms more often and will be doing their best to sanitize handles and surfaces throughout the pool on a regular basis. Also, we are recommending our monitors wear masks, especially when interacting with members and leaving the monitor station to clean.
POOL HOURS - Our open hours will be changing for this season. A pool monitor must be on duty AT ALL TIMES this Summer, so our hours will be from 9 am - 8:30 pm.
KEY FOBS - To eliminate high touch areas we will not be activating the fobs this Summer. We will be propping the bathroom doors open.
FURNITURE - Moving of pool furniture will NOT be allowed at all this Summer. To ensure that we are maintaining an environment where people can enjoy the pool and physically distance themselves at the same time, we will be placing furniture very specifically around the pool deck. If this becomes a problem, we will remove the furniture entirely. Additionally, we are removing the toys and toy bin. So, there will be no storing toys, furniture, or floaties at the pool for the next time you come. Please transport all of these items with you each time you visit.
PARTIES/RENTALS - We will not be allowing any scheduled parties or pavilion rentals at the pool this Summer. Because we're trying to be as safe and fair as possible, we will not be allowing parties that draw in larger numbers of people and/or outside guests. Our first priority is to make sure that our members are able to use the pool they paid for.
GUESTS - We know it's fun to bring in friends once in a while but to ensure that all members will get to enjoy the pool, so we will NOT be allowing guests until we are back at 100% capacity.