Health Precautions

Thank you to everyone who has been working to keep our pool safe and healthy! A couple of reminders to make sure we limit any potential spread of COVID-19 as it continues to be more prevalent in our area!

  • Please do not come to the pool if you are feeling ill in any way; self-monitor for any symptoms.

  • If you or a member of your household has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please do not have members of your household come to the pool for a minimum of 14 days following your last contact. This applies even when you do not show any symptoms or test negative for COVID-19.

  • Don't forget to wear a mask when entering or exiting the bathrooms, and anytime you are standing in a line at the pool. This applies to anyone age 5 and over.

  • Please remember to social distance from those not in your household while at the pool.

Masks Required


Thank you to all who have been diligent about following the pool rules from our last post! Please continue to be respectful of all at the pool, and be sure you are up to date on all the rules. Dane County has continued to evaluate the COVID-19 situation, and released a new order this past Tuesday that requires all persons over the age of 5 to wear masks in any enclosed space or when standing in line, starting Monday, July 13th at 8:00 am. Therefore, we will now require anyone over the age of 5 to wear a mask when coming and going from the pool, standing in line to enter the pool, or using the restrooms. This will be effective as of Monday, July 13th at 9:00 am when the pool opens. Please see the full order here, as well as the FAQs here for more information about the order.