Social Distancing and Other Feedback


            Thank you all for providing feedback regarding your experiences at the pool over the last week.  We have discussed the feedback and elected to make some changes that are outlined below in the rules section.  We do have a holiday weekend coming up, which traditionally results in a large increase in activity at the pool.  While we are excited to see all of you enjoying your time there, we want to remind you to read through the rules and be safe in your activities.  In addition, we would like to remind you of a few key issues we have seen:

1.     The pool monitors are employees of the pool, and as such, are the authority at the pool. Please treat them with respect and kindness. If they ask you to comply with a request, we expect that you do so without hesitation.  If you have concerns about the rules that they are enforcing, please bring these to the Pool Board, as we make the rules that are being enforced.

2.     There are absolutely NO GUESTS allowed at the pool at this time. Each member of your family should check-in, by name, with the pool monitor.  If a person is not a part of the Kilkenny Pool Membership, they should not be at the pool.

3.     Please remember to distance yourself from those not in your household when at the pool.  We are doing our best to follow government regulations, which includes physically distancing yourself from others while at the pool. 

4.     No furniture is allowed to be moved. This includes any stacked or “extra” furniture.  The furniture has all been placed strategically, and if we continue to see furniture moved, we will remove it completely.

5.     Please respect the property at the pool. We have noticed individuals hanging from or pulling on the basketball hoops which is causing them damage. We have also witnessed people using the hoops to pull themselves out of the pool. Treat the property as you would your own, and be sure to be vigilant about the activities of your children while at the pool.


Please read through the rules below - changes and important rules are in bold and italics! These changes are effective starting Thursday, July 2nd at 9:00 am.

  • SIGN-UP: We highly encourage members to sign-up for a time slot before coming to the pool.

    • We have eliminated the 15-minute rule.  If you reserve a slot online, that time and the number of members you reported to be coming will be reserved for your entire reservation.

    • Walk-ins will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis depending on pool capacity. If the pool is at capacity and the member has not signed up, they will be asked to leave and sign-up for a different time. Pool monitors will no longer register you but will mark your attendance and allow you to use the pool if we are not at our 66-member capacity. This will be based both on the number of individuals signed up online as well as those that have walked in and may mean the pool does not appear to be at capacity at times as the slots are reserved.  

    • You can now see the calendar on the website, which is password protected.  (For your privacy, we have included the password in the email sent to the main email address on the membership.)

    • There are 6-time slots available between 9 AM - 8:30 PM to sign-up each day.

    • You will only be able to sign-up for time slots that are available up to 48 hours into the future.

    • Each time slot will be 1.5 hours.

    • For each time slot, 18 memberships will be able to sign up.

    • That will allow for up to 108 memberships to enjoy the pool each day.

    • Each household/membership MUST sign-up separately (so no tagging along on your neighbor’s appointment). However, if you are watching a child from another membership, you should sign them up with your slot rather than take up another membership slot.

    • You may only sign-up online ONCE every 12 hours.

      • We will be reviewing it often and will cancel any appointments that are more often than that.

      • If the pool is closed for any reason, time slots during the closure will be canceled.

      • If we find repeat violators of this rule, we may cancel or suspend your membership.

      • If you cannot come for your time slot, please cancel as soon as possible so that others may sign up.


    • Please do not come to the pool if you are feeling ill, self-monitor for any symptoms.

    • If you or a member of your household has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to the pool for a minimum of 14 days.

  • AT THE POOL: Upon arriving at the pool, you MUST check-in with the Pool Monitor for your scheduled time slot or walk-in. Please make sure to tell them the name of each member of your party.

    • To keep everyone safe and comfortable, we HIGHLY encourage practicing physical distancing from members not living in your household. We have elected NOT to do assigned seating, but expect you to be responsible for those in your household.

    • FURNITURE - Moving of pool furniture will NOT be allowed at all this summer. If this becomes a problem, we will remove the furniture entirely. There will be no storing toys, furniture, or floaties at the pool for the next time you come. Please transport all of these items with you each time you visit.

    • The Pool Monitors will blow a whistle once as a 10-minute warning and then a second time announcing that the time slot has expired.

      • When a time slot is over, everyone MUST collect all their belongings and leave the pool area.

      • The Pool Monitor will then disinfect the area and bathrooms for the next time slot.

      • Please remember to physically distance yourself when entering the bathrooms and pool area.

  • PARTIES/RENTALS: We will not be allowing any scheduled parties or pavilion rentals at the pool this Summer.

  • GUESTS: We know it's fun to bring in friends once in a while but to ensure that all members will get to enjoy the pool, so we will NOT be allowing guests until we are back at 100% capacity.

Pool Operation Updates!

Thank you all for your patience and commitment to following the rules we have outlined for the pool. We have been monitoring the activity, and have decided to make some changes to improve the usability of the pool. Please read through the rules below - changes and important rules are in bold and italics! These changes are effective starting Friday, June 26th at 9:00 am. We will continue to provide updates and changes as we follow the plan for Dane Forward.

  • SIGN-UP: We highly encourage members to sign-up for a time slot before coming to the pool.

    • Please arrive within 15 minutes of your time slot start time. If you are not on time, we may cancel your reservation and assign it to a walk-in member.

    • Walk-ins will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis depending on pool capacity. If the pool is at capacity and the member has not signed up, they will be asked to leave and sign-up for a different time. Pool monitors will register you in the walk-in time slot upon arrival. You can come as a walk-in even if you have already signed up for a slot that day.

    • There are 6-time slots available between 9 AM - 8:30 PM to sign-up each day.

    • You will only be able to sign-up for time slots that are available up to 48 hours into the future.

    • Each time slot will be 1.5 hours.

    • For each time slot, 18 memberships will be able to sign up.

    • That will allow for up to 108 memberships to enjoy the pool each day.

    • Each household/membership MUST sign-up separately (so no tagging along on your neighbor’s appointment). However, if you are bringing a child from another membership, you should sign them up with your slot rather than take up another membership slot.

    • You may only sign-up online ONCE every 12 hours.

      • We will be reviewing it often and will cancel any appointments that are more often than that.

      • If the pool is closed for any reason, time slots during the closure will be canceled.

      • If we find repeat violators of this rule, we may cancel or suspend your membership.

      • If you cannot come for your time slot, please cancel as soon as possible so that others may sign up.


    • Please do not come to the pool if you are feeling ill, self-monitor for any symptoms.

    • If you or a member of your household has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to the pool for a minimum of 14 days.

  • AT THE POOL: Upon arriving at the pool, you MUST check-in with the Pool Monitor for your scheduled time slot or walk-in. Please make sure to tell them the name of each member of your party.

    • You MUST practice physical distancing from members not living in your household.

    • FURNITURE - Moving of pool furniture will NOT be allowed at all this Summer. If this becomes a problem, we will remove the furniture entirely. There will be no storing toys, furniture, or floaties at the pool for the next time you come. Please transport all of these items with you each time you visit.

    • The Pool Monitors will blow a whistle once as a 10-minute warning and then a second time announcing that the time slot has expired.

      • When a time slot is over, everyone MUST collect all their belongings and leave the pool area.

      • The Pool Monitor will then disinfect the area and bathrooms for the next time slot.

      • Please remember to physically distance yourself when entering the bathrooms and pool area.

  • PARTIES/RENTALS: We will not be allowing any scheduled parties or pavilion rentals at the pool this Summer.

  • GUESTS: We know it's fun to bring in friends once in a while but to ensure that all members will get to enjoy the pool, so we will NOT be allowing guests until we are back at 100% capacity.

Phase 2 Starts Monday!

As part of the Forward Dane plan, Dane County announced today that we will be moving into Phase 2 on Monday, 6/15 at 8:00 am! This means we can now have 50% capacity at the pool, which brings us to 66 patrons at one time. With this, we elected to also allow bookings every 12 hours. However, if we find that families are unable to book slots due to monopolizing of prime times, we may change this in the future. We will not be making any other changes at this time, but will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. Please review the rules below. If you would like to see the official Dane County order, it is posted here.

  • SIGN-UP: We highly encourage members to sign-up for a time slot before coming to the pool.

    • Walk-ins will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis depending on pool capacity. If the pool is at capacity and the member has not signed up, they will be asked to leave and sign-up for a different time.

    • There are 6-time slots available between 9 AM - 8:30 PM to sign-up each day.

    • You will only be able to sign-up for time slots that are available up to 48 hours into the future.

    • Each time slot will be 1.5 hours.

    • For each time slot, 16 memberships will be able to sign up.

    • That will allow for up to 96 memberships to enjoy the pool each day.

    • Each household/membership MUST sign-up separately (so no tagging along on your neighbor’s appointment)

    • You may only sign-up ONCE every 12 hours.

      • We will be reviewing it often and will cancel any appointments that are more often than that.

      • If the pool is closed for any reason, time slots during the closure will be cancelled.


    • Please do not come to the pool if you are feeling ill, self monitor for any symptoms.

    • If you or a member of your household has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to the pool for a minimum of 14 days.

  • AT THE POOL: Upon arriving to the pool, you MUST check-in with the Pool Monitor for your scheduled time slot.

    • You MUST practice physical distancing from members not living in your household.

    • FURNITURE - Moving of pool furniture will NOT be allowed at all this Summer. If this becomes a problem, we will remove the furniture entirely. There will be no storing toys, furniture, or floaties at the pool for the next time you come. Please transport all of these items with you each time you visit.

    • The Pool Monitors will blow a whistle once as a 10-minute warning and then a second time announcing that the time slot has expired.

      • When a time slot is over, everyone MUST collect all their belongings and leave the pool area.

      • The Pool Monitor will then disinfect the area and bathrooms for the next time slot.

      • Please do not loiter in the parking lot while waiting for your time slot, and remember to physically distance yourself when entering the bathrooms and pool area.

  • PARTIES/RENTALS: We will not be allowing any scheduled parties or pavilion rentals at the pool this Summer.

  • GUESTS: We know it's fun to bring in friends once in a while but to ensure that all members will get to enjoy the pool, so we will NOT be allowing guests until we are back at 100% capacity.